
Trend Alert: Stripes That Never Go Out of Style

How to wear stripes

The pattern that can do no wrong, stripes are a welcome addition to any wardrobe. Vertical, horizontal, diagonal, interlaced, breton, pinstripe, candy stripe—the types and treatment of the stripes is seemingly endless, and so are the outfit possibilities for them. Of course, many women tend to steer clear of this linear pattern, worried it will widen their frame. However, when styled properly, stripes can be a striking and slimming style you’ll want to wear on repeat.

Need more proof? Then check out the looks below for a little how-to outfit inspiration, and a quick refresher on these classic variations.

stripe top with black distressed jeans and blanket scarf

How to wear: interlacing, vertical pinstripes

Expertly cut and crafted to create a slimming effect, this treatment of the pinstripe adds intrigue and complexity to this classic pattern.

With a statement-making top like this cold-shoulder one, there’s no need to over complicated things with too many layers or accessories. Pair this pretty striped top with distressed black denim, beaded bracelets and gold hoop earrings. You can stop here for a pretty striped look, or you can take a step further by working in a plaid scarf like such to incorporate a sleek pattern-mixing effect. Just remember, the scarf should incorporate a color from the top in order to successfully mix patterns.

READ MORE: Outfits of affection! 3 perfect Valentine’s Day outfits

thin striped sweater with girlfriend jeans tassel necklace and bangle bracelets

How to wear: wide stripes

While they often get a bad reputation, wide stripes are a slimming and classic pattern when designed in a contrasting dark and light color scheme.

This is a perfect example of a casual weekend look, working in a wide-striped sweater in a navy and white color palette offset by straight-leg jeans. To add some polish, cuff the jeans and add in a long, beaded statement necklace with stackable bangles. For chilly days, try mixing in a chunky knit scarf.

red striped shirt styled with fringe crop flair denim and grey maxi cardigan

How to wear: bengal stripes

Bengal stripes are those vertical, even stripes that measure approximately one-fourth of an inch. 

This is a great opportunity to expand upon the nautical-inspired navy and white stripe combo by working in a bold color, like this crimson shade. Pair a bengal-striped, long-sleeved shirt with cropped flare jeans (preferably with an on-trend raw edge hem, like above). Then, layer a long cardigan over the look, push up the sleeves and rolling with the shirt to exposed the stripe pattern. Finish with a braided black belt, a thin gold necklace and eye-catching tassel earrings.

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