01 Jan 10 Inspirational Body Confident Quotes to Start Your New Year off Right
With the start of each new year, we focus on a laundry list of resolutions designed to improve our lives, our choices and ourselves. The season for New Year’s resolutions signifies a fresh start, and an opportunity to do better. But before we can focus on what exactly needs fine tuning in our lives, let’s pause and take a minute to celebrate something that deserves praise: ourselves!
No matter what your resolutions are—to be more put together, to be more connected, to spend smarter, worry less, etc.—kick off 2017 the right way by giving yourself some much-deserved love. And to set the tone for the year, we’ve rounded up 10 of the most inspirational, body-confident quotes from a few of our favorite #GirlBosses.
- “‘I’ve given up scale-watching—letting a number determine how I see myself and whether I’m worthy of a good day… It is indeed a miracle when you realize the fullness of who you are. You’re not your body, and for sure you’re not your body image.” – Oprah Winfrey
- “I’d drive myself nuts if I were [obsessed with body image]. I am who I am, and I just don’t have a bikini body, I don’t even have a one-piece any more. The messages we send to ourselves and to other women, what we relay to our children, those messages have to be based on reality.” – Drew Barrymore
- “Everybody has a part of her body that she doesn’t like, but I’ve stopped complaining about mine because I don’t want to critique nature’s handiwork … My job is simply to allow the light to shine out of the masterpiece.” – Alfre Woodard
- “You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.” – Amy Bloom
- “To love yourself as you are is a miracle, and to seek yourself is to have found yourself, for now. And now is all we have, and love is who we are.” – Anne Lamott
- “People often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where other have not dared to look including inside ourselves.” – Salma Hayek
- “Real beauty isn’t about symmetry or weight or makeup; it’s about looking life right in the face and seeing all its magnificence reflected in your own.” – Valerie Monroe
- “I definitely have body issues, but everybody does. When you come to the realization that everybody does that — even the people that I consider flawless — then you can start to live with the way you are.” – Taylor Swift
- “I share the same advice that my mom gave me – stay hydrated and sleep well. And that being a beautiful person on the inside is what really matters.” – Jessica Alba
- “Each individual woman’s body demands to be accepted on its own terms.” – Gloria Steinem
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